Journal Articles
Kevin Brennan, Singumbe Muyeba, Kathryn Buggs, Alexis Henry, John Gettens & Parag Kunte (08 Jan 2024): Exchanging Housing Dollars for Health Care Savings: The Impact of Housing First on Health Care Costs, Housing Policy Debate,
Muyeba, S (2024) International Economic Relations, in Horman Chitonge, Caleb Fundanga, Mundia Kabinga, and Vera Songwe (Eds). ‘In’ The Oxford Handbook of the Zambian Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Forthcoming).
Muyeba, S (2023) Banking on receipts and political declarations: Perceived tenure security and housing investments in Luanda, Angola. Habitat International Journal Vol 138, August 2023.
Muyeba, S (2023) Property rights and household income among the urban poor in Luanda, Angola. Environment and Urbanization Vol 35(2) .
Muyeba, S (2023) Property rights and health for the urban housing poor in Nairobi: Evidence from a phased-in natural experiment, Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol 45(3), pages 590-615. DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2021.2000874
Muyeba, S. (2019). Institutional capital, urban poverty and household wealth in Cape Town. World Development Perspectives. 16(1): 100-139.
Finn, J., Muyeba, S. Brigham, T. (2018). The Massachusetts PFS Story: Social Innovation Financing as a Catalyst for Change? Journal of Affordable Housing and Community Development Law Vol 27, 2, 367-383.
Muyeba, S. (2018). Does strength of tenure rights among the urban poor improve household economies? Contrasting Matero and George in Lusaka city. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development Vol. 10, 1, 16-31.
Muyeba, S. Joe Finn & Thomas Brigham. (2017). Effects of Social Innovation Financed “Housing First” Programs on Retention, Utilization of Services and Cost-Savings: The Case of the Pay for Success program. Social Innovation Journal Issue 41: Boston Edition
Muyeba, S. (2016). Effects of state-subsidised housing on poverty in Cape Town. Development Southern Africa. Vol. 33(5):628-643.
Muyeba, S. & Seekings, J. (2012). ‘Homeownership, privacy and neighbourly relations in poor urban neighbourhoods in Cape Town, South Africa.’ South African Review of Sociology Vol. 43(3):41-63.
Muyeba, S. & Seekings, J. (2011). ‘Race attitudes and behaviour in racially-mixed low-income neighbourhoods in Cape Town, South Africa.’ Current Sociology Vol.59(5): 655-671.
Muyeba, S. (2015). ‘Zambia: Evictions without social movements’ Global Dialogue, 5(1), 26-27
Research Reports
Rafa, M., Muyeba, S., Moyer, J., Hanna, T. 2020. The Future of Poverty in Zambia to 2060: Assessing National and Sub-National Trends across Scenarios. Report submitted to Overseas Development Institute (ODI). Denver: Pardee Center for International Futures, University of Denver.
Brennan, K., Zuckerman, P., Buggs, K., Muyeba, S., Henry, A., Gettens, J., Kunte, P. 2020. The Preventive Effect of Housing First on Health Care Utilization and Costs Among Chronically Homeless Individuals: New Evidence Using Propensity Score Analysis. Boston: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation. Housing First_report_FINAL.pdf (
Seekings, J., Jooste, T., Muyeba, S., Coqui, M., & Russell, M. 2010. “The social consequences of establishing ‘mixed’ neighbourhoods: Does the mechanism for selecting beneficiaries for low-income housing projects affect the quality of the ensuing ‘community’ and the likelihood of violent conflict?” Report for the Department of Local Government and Housing, Provincial Government of the Western Cape. Cape Town: Centre for Social Science Research, University of Cape Town and Palmer Development Group.